Doubt and denial

by Dave McInerney (in Costa Calida Chronicle, July 2024)

Doubt and denial are two traits we would not class as some of the finest qualities of the disciples.  

Peter was a disciple most of us can see ourselves reflected in – an ordinary fisherman. Yet this ordinary fisherman did extraordinary things. One of them was to walk on water, which was only possible due to Peter’s total belief and his strong faith at that moment in time. In the boat, whilst Peter was looking towards his Saviour, his outlook was secure and firmly focused. He was called out of the boat by Jesus to walk on the water, but within moments his doubts surfaced and he started sinking.

How often do we see the problem and not the solution? The problem then overshadows the voice of God; that nagging voice muttering away in our ears amplifying the problem within our lives.

But Peter changed his focus and thinking away from himself; he called out to Jesus and Jesus saved him without hesitation. Today, no matter what problem you may have, Jesus’ arms are always open and His comfort is always available.

When confronted with the doubts of the disciples, Jesus did not get on his high horse. Even with us, He gently puts us at ease about our doubts and unbelief in the areas we may face in life.

Peter is also best known for denying Jesus when the pressure was on. Even so, he was dearly loved by Jesus. Peter was full of good intentions, yet they did not last very long. He denied knowing Jesus three times, just a short while after promising that he would not so do.

Peter’s lack of faith, doubts and denial of Jesus, did not stop him being used by God in a mighty way. He was the first to preach the Good News in the early church. After the Holy Spirit came and rested on the disciples in the upper room, Peter preached and around 3,000 were added to the church that day. He was called by Jesus to follow and he followed.